Netflix is set to deliver a fresh take on Eiichiro Oda’s iconic manga, One Piece, with a new anime series known as ‘The One Piece’. This new animated version is being produced by Wit Studio and features a talented crew, many of whom have previously worked on the critically acclaimed anime Attack on Titan.
Key Figures from Attack on Titan Lead the New One Piece Anime
On August 10, 2024, a livestream event revealed key details about the upcoming anime, including the involvement of several prominent figures from Attack on Titan. Masashi Koizuka, who served as a storyboard artist on Attack on Titan, will be directing The One Piece. He is joined by Chief Animation Co-Directors Kyôji Asano and Takatoshi Honda, both of whom have impressive resumes, having worked on Attack on Titan and The First Slam Dunk.
“I knew that I love One Piece the most in this studio, so I took this project because I didn’t want anyone else working on it. I will definitely create something interesting. Please look forward to it,” said Masashi Koizuka during the livestream.
A Long-Term Vision for The One Piece
The new anime isn’t intended to be a mere side project or a short-lived endeavor. Masashi Koizuka emphasized his commitment to the series, expressing a desire to create a long-running adaptation that could potentially last for years, depending on viewer reception.
“I’m facing this as a long series. If the people like what we’ve created, we know we would be creating this in the long-run,” he stated.
The One Piece will revisit material from the original anime that was first animated back in the late ’90s, providing a modernized interpretation that new fans can easily dive into. This initiative by Netflix aims to make the beloved series more accessible to a new generation of viewers while also offering an alternative for long-time fans.
The Assistant Director for the project is Hideaki Abe, known for his work on Jujutsu Kaisen, rounding out a team that has a proven track record of delivering high-quality anime.
The Future of One Piece on Netflix
With such a skilled team behind it, The One Piece has the potential to become a major success. Masashi Koizuka and his team are dedicated to staying true to the spirit of One Piece while bringing their own creative flair to the series.
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