Park Min Young and Lee Joon Gi, two of South Korea’s most beloved actors, created a memorable real-life K-drama moment on the popular tvN reality show Sweetheart in Your Ear (also known as Candy in My Ears). The unexpected meeting between these two stars has become a cherished memory for fans, showcasing a moment straight out of a romantic drama.
Park Min Young’s Surprise Meeting with Her Celebrity Crush
In 2017, Park Min Young appeared in episodes 4 to 8 of Sweetheart in Your Ear. The show’s concept revolves around celebrities who anonymously call strangers to listen to their stories. For her role, Park Min Young referred to herself as “Bunny Bunny” during her phone conversations. Unbeknownst to her, she was speaking to none other than Lee Joon Gi, who participated in the show under the alias “Red Ginseng.”
Throughout their conversations, Park Min Young remained unaware that Lee Joon Gi knew her identity. The two developed a connection over the phone, with Red Ginseng even telling Bunny Bunny that he wouldn’t be able to meet her in person, setting up a surprise that would later unfold in Italy.
The Unforgettable Moment in Florence
The climactic moment occurred in episode 8, when Park Min Young was posing for photos in front of a picturesque river in Florence. As she enjoyed the beautiful surroundings, a man called her name. When she turned around, she was stunned to find Lee Joon Gi standing in front of her.
“Hi, Bunny Bunny,” Lee Joon Gi said, leaving Park Min Young momentarily speechless. Her reaction was a mix of surprise and starstruck disbelief. Despite her efforts to maintain composure, she couldn’t help but blush as she asked how he had found her.
In typical K-drama fashion, Lee Joon Gi responded with a witty and endearing line: “You told me to come here. I came because I missed you.” The scene played out like a perfect meet-cute, with Park Min Young struggling to process the unexpected turn of events.
A Real-Life K-Drama
Fans couldn’t help but compare the moment to the romantic encounters often depicted in K-dramas. The genuine surprise and chemistry between the two stars made it a scene to remember. Lee Joon Gi, known for his roles in Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo, Arthdal Chronicles, and Flower of Evil, brought his signature charm to the encounter. Meanwhile, Park Min Young, famous for her roles in What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim?, Marry My Husband, and Her Private Life, added a touch of realism with her candid reaction.
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Park Min Young and Lee Joon Gi during their unforgettable encounter in Florence.