
Fans boycott TripleS members for moving out of the group dorm

Fans boycott TripleS members for moving out of the group dorm


TripleS recently announced that during inactive periods, some members of the 24-member group would be choosing to live on their own rather than in the group dorms. The members planning to move out include SohyunHyerinJiwoo, and Yooyeon.

This announcement sparked anger among some fans of the group, resulting in the recent protest that took place at a TripleS fan meeting. Photos from the fan meeting have emerged, showing one fan ignoring member Sohyun and refusing to interact with her.

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Screenshots of the boycott being organized have also been uncovered, with one fan instructing those attending the fan meeting: “Don’t talk to those members, don’t look at them, and when you sit in front of those members, turn your back to them.” From the pictures of the fan meeting, it appears that at least one fan followed that advice.

Once the protesting fan was identified, it was announced that he was blacklisted from attending any further TripleS fan meetings.

Other fans reacted to the recent controversy with disbelief:

“Normal people wouldn’t get upset over something like that”

“Why would you do that? What’s wrong with them not staying at the dorm?”

“I feel sorry for the members”

“I really don’t understand why you would do that to someone who had to live in those cramped dorms. I’m glad he’s been blacklisted”

“Getting this invested in a group’s dorm arrangements is the most embarrassing thing ever lol, what are you doing?”

“It’s good that the company acted right away to blacklist him”




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