
Posts accusing Jeon Jong Seo of school bullying are getting deleted in real-time

Posts accusing Jeon Jong Seo of school bullying getting deleted in real-time


Jeon Jong Seo, a well-known actress, was recently embroiled in school bullying allegations when an anonymous online community post claimed that ‘actress J’ was a school bully. However, Jeon Jong Seo’s agency has denied all accusations and stated they would be taking firm legal action against false rumors.

What caught the attention of many on April 6th was the apparent deletion of these accusatory posts in real-time. Netizens reported instances where their comments or posts regarding the allegations were mysteriously removed from these online platforms, fueling speculation and suspicion. One netizen wrote, “I was just reading this post ‘Jeon Jong Seo’s accuser’s interview is out’ and it suddenly says it was deleted. I saw articles and other posts saying any post accusing Jeon Jong Seo’s school bullying gets deleted…and it was true.”

Others also shared their instances in the comments saying:

“She has 4 commercials and tvN drama on air so her agency has been deleting everything. The only thing the general public can do is to boycott her.”

“The agency has been working real hard, including the past similar incident. There’s definitely something fishy about this.”

“The more they do this, it would be more memorable. I bet this post will get deleted soon too.”

“How can a nugu company manipulate media? This is scary.”

“I saw three posts about JJS and I wrote comments to all three, which now all have been deleted.”

“Funny the agency denied deleting any posts.” (the below screenshot shows multiple posts saying, ‘This post has been suspended due to ANDMARQ’s request.’)

“This has been going on since ‘Burning.’”

“All the post except for alleged classmate defending her ha”

“The post her cousin wrote about her has been deleted completely on the Internet.”

“Damn, who is behind her?”

“The accusations first came up years ago…”

As of now, Jeon Jong Seo continues to work in the entertainment industry, with four commercials and a tvN drama currently on air. Her agency remains firm in their denial of the allegations and has stated their intent to take legal action against the spread of false rumors. The situation continues to evolve as netizens and fans alike await further developments.




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