Ranbir Kapoor, who is gearing up for his next big project, Ramayana, directed by Nitesh Tiwari, has reportedly finalised his look as Lord Ram. The actor will sport a lean and simple appearance, without any extra bulk or muscle, to portray the epic character. Ranbir Kapoor is also undergoing special training in diction and dialogue to deliver his lines with perfection.
Ranbir Kapoor’s look test impresses the team
According to a source quoted by India Today, Ranbir Kapoor recently underwent a look test for his role as Lord Ram in Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayana. The source revealed that a photoshoot was held to finalise his look, which was praised by everyone who saw it. The source added that the director does not want Ranbir to gain extra muscle for the role, as he wants him to be in his natural lean avatar. Ranbir’s bare-bodied look as Lord Ram, adorned with golden and gem-studded ornaments, is said to be impressive and captivating.
Ranbir Kapoor trains hard for his role as Lord Ram
Ranbir Kapoor is not leaving any stone unturned to prepare for his role as Lord Ram in Ramayana. The actor is spending hours rehearsing and sharing videos with the director, who has appointed a specialised team for the film’s diction and dialogue. The team is ensuring that Ranbir’s voice and speech match the character and the vision of the film. Ranbir is also working on his body language and expressions to bring out the essence of Lord Ram.
Ranbir Kapoor will be joined by Sai Pallavi as Sita, Yash as Raavan, Sunny Deol as Hanuman, and other actors in Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayana. The film is expected to go on floors in March 2024 and release in 2025. The film is being produced by DNEG, an Oscar-winning VFX company, who will also design the world of Ramayana. The film is one of the most anticipated projects in Bollywood and promises to be a grand spectacle.