Editorial Policy

At Vvip Times, our editorial policy is to provide our readers with unbiased, honest, authentic, inclusive, and fair content that meets the highest standards of accuracy, reliability, and entertainment. We are committed to delivering the best quality information across various industries, including Hollywood, Bollywood, South Indian Film, Korean Movies and Drama, and Sports, in a manner that is reader-centric, fair, and reliable.

  • Our editorial team is dedicated to bringing readers closer to the information they seek in the most informative and comprehensible way possible.
  • We cover a diverse range of topics catering to different interests, ensuring there’s something for everyone.

We make sure that the information imparted to our readers is fair & reliable by making sure our content is: Written by subject-matter experts Reviewed by professionals and scientifically-accurate.

Our content is unbiased and inclusive, considering the diversity of our audience. We approach our readers with sensitivity and understanding, avoiding bias based on gender, age, region, religion, sexual orientation, or physical/mental abilities.

  • Writers and editors undergo thorough screening and training to ensure they are certified subject-matter experts.
  • Original and authentic opinions are provided, backed by real experiences. Published research papers from reputable journals are cited for transparency and verification.
  • Our content is meticulously sourced, relying on available evidence and undergoing thorough verification.
  • We prioritize transparency regarding unknowns, ensuring we avoid baseless speculation.
  • We recognize the importance of content evolution and commit to regularly updating our content to avoid outdated information reaching our readers.
  • Accuracy is paramount, and corrections are promptly implemented in the face of errors.
  • Collaborations with brands are made transparent, with a commitment to supporting our business without compromising the trust of our readers.
  • We do not recommend products or services that we believe are not worthwhile.
  • We value feedback from our readers and believe it plays a key role in our growth. Readers are encouraged to reach out via email at vviptimes@gmail.com.

Dedication to Precision:

  • We prioritize delivering accurate information consistently in all our content.
  • Claims are scrutinized with a critical perspective, assumptions are challenged, and conventional wisdom is subject to questioning.

Due Accuracy Commitment:

  • Upholding accuracy is fundamental for building and maintaining trust with our audience.
  • “Due” accuracy means aligning information with the content’s subject and nature, explicitly addressing constraints that may impact accuracy expectations.

Journalistic Integrity:

  • Journalists at Vvip Times adhere strictly to a policy against intentional plagiarism or distortion.
  • This commitment extends to the avoidance of manipulation of facts or visual elements.

Rigorous Verification Process:

  • Claims, information, and allegations, especially those from public officials, undergo rigorous independent verification.
  • Unverifiable content is clearly identified, maintaining transparency in our reporting.

Firm Commitment to Accuracy:

  • Vvip Times firmly stand by the accuracy of our published information.
  • In the face of discrepancies, corrections are swiftly implemented to preserve the trust of our audience.
  • Deliberate misinformation is not tolerated, and corrective actions are taken promptly.

Reader Involvement in Correction:

  • Users can Suggest A Correction via email at vviptimes@gmail.com, so the public can actively report inaccuracies.
  • Readers contribute significantly to upholding accuracy in our reportage by providing valuable feedback.

Ensuring Accuracy through Review:

  • All stories undergo a thorough review by one or more editors to ensure accuracy.
  • Vvip Times’s multi-level fact-checking structure involves a diverse team of editors, with seniority varying based on factors such as complexity and sensitivity.

Prompt Communication:

  • Readers discovering errors are encouraged to promptly contact the editor-in-chief, Sougata Nandi, via email at vviptimes@gmail.com, using “Correction Needed” in the subject line.

Direct Submission for Validation:

  • Corrections must be directly submitted to the editor-in-chief for official validation.
  • Corrections sent to other staff members may not receive prompt attention or acknowledgment.

Enhancing Correction Submissions:

  • Corrections should include specific details, the issue date, error location, reader’s name, and contact information.
  • Including correct information and sources, if applicable, strengthens the correction submission.
  • Response and Investigation:

Ensuring Thorough Investigation:

  • Readers can anticipate a prompt response from the editor-in-chief upon reporting an error.
  • Corrections ensure a thorough investigation, although the submission itself doesn’t guarantee an immediate correction issuance.

Diligent Error Investigation:

  • The editor-in-chief diligently investigates reported errors using provided information, meeting minutes, recordings, and other available sources.

Swift Correction Implementation:

  • Upon confirming an error, corrections are promptly issued on vviptimes.com.
  • An editor’s note accompanies the corrected article, outlining the inaccuracies and the correction date.

Rectifying Social Media Spread:

  • If content was shared on social media, a correction post is made, linking to the corrected article to rectify any misinformation.

Personalized Communication:

  • The editor-in-chief personally contacts the reader who submitted the correction, providing insight into the steps taken to rectify the reported error.

Official Recognition of Corrections:

  • Corrections are officially recognized and validated when reported directly to the editor-in-chief of Vvip Times.
  • Corrections sent to other staff members are not deemed officially submitted or valid.

For additional information about Vvip Times Editorial Policy, please visit our About, Privacy Policy, Disclaimer, Terms of Use, and Contact pages on our website:
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