“Expats,” the highly-anticipated American drama series, is ready to captivate audiences when it premieres globally on January 26, 2024. The series, an adaptation of Janice Y. K. Lee’s novel “The Expatriates,” follows three American women navigating life in Hong Kong, tackling themes of motherhood, identity, and the unique challenges faced by expatriates.
Release Date and Where to Watch: After nearly five years in the making, “Expats” is set to debut exclusively on Amazon Prime Video. The limited series, comprising six episodes, will unfold from January 26 to February 23. The show’s exclusive availability on Amazon Prime Video means viewers won’t find it on other popular streaming platforms like Netflix, HBO Max, or DisneyPlus.
Plot and Characters: Directed by the acclaimed Lulu Wang, known for her work on “Posthumous” and “The Farewell,” “Expats” promises a gripping narrative. The story revolves around Margaret (Nicole Kidman), Hilary (Sarayu Blue), and Mercy (Jin-young Yoo). Set against the backdrop of Hong Kong, the series explores their intertwined lives after a pivotal and life-altering event, delving into the intricacies of privilege and the blurred lines between victimhood and culpability.
Controversy Surrounding Production: The production of “Expats” faced criticism during filming in Hong Kong amid the global COVID-19 pandemic and political turmoil. Critics labeled the series as “tone-deaf” and accused it of being out of touch with the city’s reality. The controversy heightened when Nicole Kidman was exempted from Hong Kong’s 21-day quarantine rule, sparking outcry among residents and lawmakers.
The Cast: The stellar cast features:
- Nicole Kidman as Margaret
- Sarayu Blue as Hilary
- Jin-young Yoo as Mercy
- Jack Huston, Brian Tee, Flora Chan, Ruby Ruiz, and others in pivotal supporting roles.
Director and Producers: Lulu Wang serves as the creator, director, and writer of “Expats,” showcasing her artistic prowess. The series is a collaboration between Amazon Studios and Nicole Kidman’s Blossom Films. Executive producers include Nicole Kidman, Daniele Melia, Per Saari, Alice Bell, Theresa Park, and Stan Wlodkowski.
Despite the controversy, “Expats” promises a compelling narrative and outstanding performances. As fans eagerly await its premiere on Amazon Prime Video, the series is poised to offer a nuanced exploration of the lives of three expatriates against the vibrant backdrop of Hong Kong.