They don’t understand how this will change anything.
NCT’s Renjun recently apologized after publicizing someone’s phone number on Bubble, mistaking them for a sasaeng.

“I would like to apologize to the person who was affected by my foolish behavior. I’ve always wanted to give good energy through my music and performances, but I think my judgment was clouded, and I think I made a mistake. To the person who was affected by my behavior, I am so sincerely sorry.
The victim is receiving damage because of my behavior. Please stop calling them. I am reflecting on my actions, and I’ll be careful not to do this again. I would like to apologize to everyone who was hurt by my actions.”
— Renjun
Despite the idol’s intentions, his apology only garnered more backlash, with netizens criticizing his apology as half-hearted, as he did not admit that the victim was not a sasaeng.
While they demanded a more sincere apology, netizens were shocked to find fans writing handwritten apologies on behalf of the idol.

“To the victim that was mistaken for a Renjun sasaeng:
Hello I am a middle schooler NCTzen. First, I apologize for the damages caused by Renjun’s actions. He has been sick and having a hard time lately, so I think his actions came out first. I heard you are receiving much hate from fans despite him admitting his wrongdoing and apologizing. I also apologize for the damage received from thoughtless fans.
But please don’t hate Renjun too much. Although he made a big mistake that he cannot undo, he is a very important and precious person to me. Although he did a rash action, he is usually someone who takes care of his fans.
If you are having a hard time, you can receive compensation for damages through legal action and have him pay for his mistake. I really have nothing to say about it. The only thing I can think of is that I am sorry. I am really sorry. I am sorry and sorry once again.”
Korean netizens couldn’t believe that the fans themselves were apologizing on behalf of Renjun, and felt that this did no good for his image.
While it should be Renjun apologizing again, fans are apologizing on his behalf. TikTok is really hilarious!. Why are they apologizing?
The OP of the handwritten apology also replied directly to fans criticizing their behavior.

“OP: I’m apologizing as a fan. Renjun even halted activities because of sasaengs, but because of immature fans, more damage has been done, causing more criticism. So, I am apologizing on behalf of the immature fans. I’ve never seen people be so embarrassed about an apology.
TikTok user: I know, but why are you apologizing?
OP: Did you not read my post? More damage is being done because of immature fans, and Renjun is being criticized for it, so I am apologizing on behalf of the fans.”

“TikTok user: Why are you apologizing with a handwritten letter that not even Renjun wrote? So f*cking hilarious. It’s not like you’re his mom or something. The reason being just because you are a fan.
OP: I am writing it because that’s how much I like him, and he is precious to me. If the fans don’t accept his mistake, the victim will only receive more damage, causing damage to Renjun and, in turn, bringing more damage to the victim. I have lost idols with similar cases like this, and we don’t know what will happen even tomorrow, so the only thing I can do now is to apologize to the victim.”
However, fans felt that this did not do any good for Renjun’s image regarding the conroversy.
Honestly, this only boosts the image of the fans and brings down the image of Renjun. This just looks like a kid writing without much thought.
Their intentions are good, but what’s the point of them apologizing. It’s not like it’s Renjun’s handwritten apology.
So f*cking funny. A world where a third-person party apologizes instead of the attacker.
Are you some big shot? Such a hilarious fandom…
What are your thoughts on this?
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