Regular “Burning Sun” Guest Tells Horrifying Sexual Assault Story In BBC’s Damning Documentary


“I vomited and… I knelt down on the floor and begged.”

BBC‘s recent documentary exposing new footage and details regarding the massive sex scandal related to club “Burning Sun” has brought forward chilling testimonies. One of them comes from a young woman who was a regular guest at the club until one terrifying night.

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The victim, who remains anonymous for her safety, recounted a night that started like many others. She and her friends secured a table at the infamous club “Burning Sun,” a then-popular destination for young people. However, after having a couple of drinks, she began to feel unusually intoxicated.

I feel weird today. I’m getting drunk really quickly. I think I shouldn’t drink anymore,” she told her friend before returning to their table. Her next memory was waking up in a hotel room.

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She found herself with a man who had been giving her drinks earlier that night. The situation quickly escalated into a nightmare.

He suddenly ran at me and forced my clothes off. I tried to scream, but he covered my mouth, and I tried not to get attacked, so I kept trying to get up, right? And from above, he kept sitting on me and pressing me down.

— The anonymous young woman

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Despite her efforts to fight back, the assailant overpowered her, causing severe physical pain.

Because I was screaming, he covered my mouth with both hands. He kept shoving me down as if he was giving me CPR. I couldn’t breathe. My mouth hurt so much, but because he was sitting on me, my ribs were hurting too. However much I struggled, it didn’t work. So I gave up.

I felt like he was going to kill me. I was in so much pain, but he wouldn’t stop and he kept trying to do the deed. So I just gave up and just lay there.

— The anonymous young woman

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She then recounts how she started begging the assailant to let her go and felt so sick she ended up throwing up. The man said he would only let her go if he took a photo of her smiling.

I felt so sick. I grabbed the rubbish bin and vomited. I vomited and… I knelt down on the floor and begged. I begged him to send me home. I said I missed my mum so much. I cried and begged.

He said he’d let me go if I took a photo. He told me to smile but I couldn’t. I wanted to cover my face. Because he didn’t let me, I just made a peace sign. Then I rushed out. But my memory of that is hazy.

— The anonymous young woman

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Burning Sun_ Exposing the secret K-pop chat groups - BBC World Service Documentaries 32-28 screenshot
Burning Sun_ Exposing the secret K-pop chat groups - BBC World Service Documentaries 32-38 screenshot

When she worked up the courage to report the rape to the police, the man presented the photo he took of her as evidence, arguing that their interaction was consensual. Shockingly, this photo was enough to discredit her claims, and he was permitted to leave Korea without facing any charges.

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Burning Sun_ Exposing the secret K-pop chat groups - BBC World Service Documentaries 32-47 screenshot

You can watch the full BBC documentary here:

Source: BBC

Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is based on reported news and sources believed to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee 100% accuracy or completeness. Please consider this news for entertainment purposes only.


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