Robert Downey Jr, the acclaimed actor known for his iconic portrayal of Tony Stark in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), recently disclosed the inspiration behind his decision to take on the role of Iron Man. In a revealing interview with Esquire, the actor credited Keanu Reeves and Johnny Depp for influencing his choice and shaping his Hollywood journey.
Robert Downey Jr in Oppenheimer
Robert Downey Jr, currently riding high on the success of his stellar performance in Christopher Nolan’s “Oppenheimer,” reminisced about his remarkable comeback in the industry. Having faced personal challenges, Downey’s resurgence began with Marvel’s Iron Man in 2008, a role that not only transformed his career but also established him as one of the highest-paid actors in Hollywood.
The actor, nominated for Oscars twice, reflects on his pursuit of the superhero role, saying, “I originally pursued Iron Man because I had seen Keanu Reeves and Johnny Depp succeed with their own film franchises, and I wanted my son to see his dad in that kind of a movie.” Downey’s acknowledgment of Reeves and Depp, both celebrated actors in their own right, adds a poignant layer to his motivation.
With a dark past of addiction struggles, Robert Downey Jr emerged victorious, earning immense love from fans worldwide. The emotional impact of his character’s fate in “Avengers: Endgame” still lingers in theaters, showcasing the profound connection between the actor and his audience.
Iron Man’s debut in 2008 marked the beginning of the MCU, with Downey reprising the role in about ten subsequent Marvel movies. The actor expressed pride in being a leading man capable of headlining major blockbusters, drawing a parallel to the iconic Harrison Ford.
As Downey explains, the success of Keanu Reeves‘ “The Matrix” franchise and Johnny Depp’s “Pirates of the Caribbean” series inspired him to take the leap into the superhero genre. Both franchises achieved blockbuster status, with Depp’s Pirates series amassing a staggering $4.5 billion worldwide and Reeves’ Matrix trilogy garnering critical acclaim.
Reflecting on the aftermath of Iron Man’s release, Downey remarked, “Everything changed on the Monday morning after the opening weekend for Iron Man in 2008. My economic and professional status underwent a complete revolution, and I’ve tried to understand how that works and make sure I maintain that stature and momentum.”
Despite challenges during the making of Iron Man, including rejected script changes, the film’s global success solidified Robert Downey Jr’s Hollywood legacy. According to Box Office Mojo, the film, made on a $140 million budget, earned an impressive $585.79 million worldwide.
Recently, Downey labeled his performances in MCU projects as some of his best works, a sentiment echoed by Christopher Nolan, who praised casting him as Tony Stark as one of the best decisions in cinema history. With accolades pouring in, including Golden Globes and Critics Choice Awards for Oppenheimer, all eyes are now on the Oscars as Robert Downey Jr’s transformative journey in Hollywood continues to captivate audiences globally.