He thought they were a sasaeng.
NCT’s Renjun was recenltly embroiled in controversy after he revealed a phone number on his Dear. U Bubble. Renjun believed that the number belonged to a sasaeng, while the owner of the number claimed that they had mistakenly dialled his number, mistaking it for their friend’s. They claim that they only called his number once, but was immediately put on blast by the star.

As such, Renjun’s fans have been bombarding the number with hate and profanities. This drove the owner of the number to launch a police report, eventually receiving a public apology from SM Entertainment.
SM Entertainment Calls Renjun’s Actions “Foolish” In Statement Addressing Backlash From Leaked Number
What angered them further was when Renjun’s manager attempted to apologize on Renjun’s behalf. The owner of the number demanded Renjun to personally apologize, only to be rejected as he allegedly retorted that “they might be a sasaeng.”
The internet is highly divided over the matter. On one hand, international fans of Renjun are absolutely incensed, going above and beyond to exact their revenge on the owner of the number. International fans firmly believe that the owner of the number is a sasaeng, claiming that there would be no way they would have access to Renjun’s number otherwise.

They also attempt to poke holes at the owner’s claims. At first, the owner made the matter known through a friend’s X account, claiming that they did not have an account. Later, they created an account on June 21, 2024, in order to upload their evidence. Despite these dates, fans have been trying to paint the owner as a liar regarding not owning an X account.

On the other hand, Korean netizens are furious at how international fans have been treating the owner of the number, calling them a “victim.” It seemed like a pure coincidence on the owner’s part, being unfortunate enough to call Renjun’s number by mistake. They also berate Renjun for his careless actions.
“In the first place, whether they are a sasaeng or not, he should just quietly sue them. He just wilfully revealed an ordinary person’s phone number on his Bubble, which is subscribed to by thousands of people. And what crap is he spouting that he can’t apologize because they could be a sasaeng?”
”Even if they are a sasaeng, he should leave it to the company to take care of. Is he trying to show feeble sasaengs the power of a pro-idol by posting like ‘hey I’m annoyed by this person. So my fans, come gather and be at them up’ on Bubble, which fans pay money to subscribe to? He knows for sure that his fans will wonder if he’s trying to ask them to do something, and will gather to terrorize that person.”
The owner of the number has since tried to upload as much evidence as possible, showing their call logs, their police report receipts, chats with friends over the number, and more.
Despite it all, international fans still remain ardently in belief that the owner is a sasaeng, refusing to see any other argument or logic behind it.
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